Talking Toolbox will make you a great speaker.
Have a read here if you would like to learn how to make more impact in your business presentations. Or how to use humour in your public speaking to help your message make more impact. Or perhaps you are just looking for tips for a Best Man’s speech?
Talking Toolbox is a unique way to learn speaking skills for TV, radio and live audiences.
It is fun and it really works.
Sessions are run at locations in Central London, East London, South West London and the East Midlands.
This what you’ll learn during the day:
*How to attract media attention.
*How to be interviewed on television.
*How to be interviewed on radio.
*How to deliver with confidence in front of an audience at a conference, seminar or after-dinner.
Plus vital stuff that no-one will tell you, but everyone expects you to know:
What not to wear on television.
Working out what to say.
The perfect sound bite that makes sure you aren’t edited out. I call them ultrasoundbites.
How to hit them for six every time; say what you want, not what they ask.
Where to look- the interviewer or the camera?
Mastering the difficult ‘down the line’ interviews.
How to conquer nerves.
Why practice makes perfect.
Plus loads of other great tips about make-up, ties that don’t strobe on camera, good collar/bad collar, not wearing cashmere and why libel can be costly.
On the Day
Your trainer will be Jeremy Nicholas – 23 years as a TV and radio broadcaster, professional speaker and director of Talking Toolbox. A camera operator/video editor films and edits the sessions.
You will try your hand at a mocked up radio interview, TV clips interview, TV live interview and a TV ‘down the line’ interview. We will use camcorders and laptops to record and review your performance, and also show how interviews are edited into short clips.
You’ll learn how to think like a journalist, so you can give them what they want and still get your message across.
You’ll watch examples of good TV interviews and bad TV interviews, and if you’re good maybe even some funny clips.
You’ll also learn to how to use tools from the Talking Toolbox to make you a better talker. The tools include a rubber shark, a can of Dr Pepper a golf ball and a big red heart.
Participants may keep their shoes on, but should leave their inhibitions at the door. Everyone feels foolish on camera the first time. By the end of the session, the camera will be your friend and you will want to leave with it. (This will not be possible- as they are expensive).
You will leave with a one page sheet full of handy tips on how to be a great interviewee that’s always asked back.
Plus a Talking Toolbox bonus– the first time you appear on TV or radio or in the press, Jeremy will email you the five questions you are most likely to be asked on the chosen subject. (He has a 70 percent success rate on guessing questions, but as Yogi Berra once said- it’s not rocket surgery!)
If you think you are likely to appear on TV in the next year, you need this session. Don’t leave it till the night before and then panic.
Cost- Prices are available on request and are tailored to suit your needs. Please email requirements to
Testimonials can be found on
A full range of Talking Toolbox sessions are available with sessions aimed at business, authors and athletes.
Talking Toolbox- Press for Attention (aimed at business looking for free publicity on TV & radio)
Talking Toolbox- Throw the Book at Them (aimed at authors on publicity tours)
Talking Toolbox – Over the Moon (aimed at young sports professionals)
Talking Toolbox- At the Conference (aimed at inexperienced business people who have to speak to an audience)