Mind Your Language

At some point in the last couple of years it has apparently become OK to swear onstage at business events. What the flip is going on?
Champions League Festival
Today i worked as a commentator and stadium announcer at the Champions League Festival in Hyde Park. I say worked, it was for the Bobby Moore Fund, a charity dear to my heart. Here’s me with BMF founder Stephanie Moore, Bobby’s widow and a truly splendid woman. I commentated on a match between the Parliamentary […]
End of Season Gala Dinner
I thought presenting at the end of season gala dinner, the day after we were relegated would be a tough gig. Actually it was a great night out and I met lots of lovely people. I’ve been feeling so down since West Ham lost at Wigan, that the last thing I wanted was a night […]
My book
Google can be a scary thing. I just googled my book title and found it on Amazon already. I’m still writing it! The book ‘Mr Moon Has Left the Stadium’ is a funny account of my life as the West Ham United FC announcer. It comes out on August 1st. It has to be handed […]
Some exciting news – I’ve made it onto the shortlist to be a stadium announcer at the London 2012 Olympics. I’m ridiculously excited about it.
The Rocking Piano
I filmed a very interesting feature today with the designer of the world’s first rocking piano. Sarah Davenport created it from a 1900s piano once owned by the Hong Kong ambassador. It rocks back and forwards as you play it. I should point out that there is some camera trickery at the start of the […]