Mind Your Language

At some point in the last couple of years it has apparently become OK to swear onstage at business events. What the flip is going on?
Victory eclipsed by Mr Moon
I’m never one to moan about a fellow West Ham fan, but there’s one chap who is getting on my nerves. This Mr Moon fellow has been arriving and leaving the stadium during games for as long as I can remember. There’s nothing more annoying than people arriving midway through games is there? You’re in […]
The Chippendoubles sign up a Jeremy Nicholas lookey-likey
The Chippendoubles, stars of Britain’s Got Talent have unveiled their latest lookey-likey. It’s a very convincing Jeremy Nicholas, not quite as realistic as Mr T or Simon Cowell, but certainly a passable imitation of the real thing.
Badges, badges, badges
Frank Setchfield from Loughborough has over 150 thousand badges. He collects all types except military and he specialises in button badges. He has sporty badges, funny badges, ones with saucy slogans and political badges that have changed the world. I interviewed him for my BBC series on Collectors. Here’s the report.
If you can remember the Sixties you weren’t there.
I’ll be taking my autograph book with me on Saturday for the West Ham v Newcastle game. We have some legendary West Ham players from the sixties, coming down for a chat pitch-side before the game. The names I’ve been given are Ken Brown, John Bond, Alan Dickie, Alan Stephenson, Ronnie Boyce, Brian Dear, Jack […]
Orange Feet after the Monsoon
I have orange feet. It’s been three days and I still have orange feet. It all goes back to Saturday night, the night West London was gridlocked and the heavens opened. West Ham earned a fighting draw against Fulham. It wasn’t a classic, but it was our fourth game unbeaten, and there are lots of […]
Edinburgh Talk
I’m off to Edinburgh next week for the festival. On Wednesday night I’ll be giving a talk on how to keep an audience’s attention using comedy. Forget jokes, I’m a big believer in telling true stories that have happened to you. It’s called ‘Putting the U in Humour’ . It’s a talk I’ve done many […]
The Bakewell Show
The Bakewell Show Here’s some pictures of Thursday’s BBC East Midlands Today roadshow at the Bakewell Show in Derbyshire. I smiled a lot at people and if they looked short sighted, I signed photos that weren’t of me. Viewers had a chance to read the news. The vicar of Bakewell was a star at doing […]
A free chapter from my book
I’ve co-written a book called MediaMasters with my good friend Alan Stevens. The aim of the book is to learn how top sports stars, performers, business people, politicans and others in the public eye, use the media to best effect. Below is a free chapter about one of my footballing heroes, Brian Clough. We didn’t […]
Write your own introduction
As well as speaking for a living, I often act as the MC or compere at an event. It’s not rocket science. I tell people where the fire exits and toilets are located and glare at them until they switch their mobile phones to silent. Then I pop up in between speakers, make a few […]