My mate Dave is a big Hull City fan. Last season he was at the Boleyn for the match which marked my return as the announcer. It was a brilliant night, I walked around shaking hands with everyone and was so happy to be back. Especially when we won under lights to restart our season. I think the Hull fans were a bit surprised when the West Ham announcer wandered into their end to chat to one of their own.
Yesterday, while we were beating Hull again in a vital game, Dave was nowhere to be seen. He’s so worried about Hull being relegated, he’s taken drastic action. He’s upped and moved to Canada for a year with his wife Nicola. They set off a month ago with no jobs to go to, but lots of ideas. Amazingly Dave landed himself a job at the Winter Olympics opening ceremony. From the picture on Facebook he appears to be a snow sweeper.
I haven’t thought much of the winter olympics so far. Last time we swept up in the curling. We’ve always been good at the housework related events.
But then came a win for Amy Williams from Bristol in the skeleton. I’m a big fan of BBC drama Being Human, so I know most Bristol young folk are either vampires, werewolves or ghosts. I didn’t know there were skeletons there too. I really must visit my nephew Chris who’s at university there, to make sure he’s not in any danger.
And today it’s been the best so far at the games. What a brilliant event Ski Cross is. Four people on skis racing over a BMX style course with two going through to the next round. It reminds me of speedway a bit. Apart from it being on snow and downhill and without the motorbikes.
The ski suits they wear look like they’ve come from Fat Willys. They are the surfers of the ski world. I’m sure I heard the commentator say one skier was disqualified because his trousers were too tight. He could tuck them into his boots. I’m not sure why that would mean disqualification. Unless Graham Poll is a ski cross referee.
Jem – London- 21 Feb 2010