Various bits of writing on the interweb

Choose your words carefully

I’ve always liked crosswords but during lockdown I’ve been doing one every day as an escape from all the bad news. There’s a crossword setter in The Guardian called Qaos who definitely goes the extra mile, not only setting great crosswords but also making sure there’s a theme to each one, with lots of the answers fitting that theme.  As speakers we should admire this sort of attention to detail.

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Seven ways to help a friend at the Fringe

  Somebody you know is doing a show at Edinburgh, what are you going to do about it? You’ll congratulate them of course, and you’ll probably go and watch the show, but is there anything else you can do to support them? Yes, there is. Lots. 1. Don’t ask for a free ticket You might expect your best friend to give you a freebie. Your old mate from school will

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Sir Terry Wogan

Here’s a chapter from MediaMasters, a book I co-wrote with Alan Stevens. We interviewed 25 people from all walks of life on how to come across well in the media. This is the interview I did with Terry Wogan, from nearly ten years ago. I republish it now as a tribute to the great man who died at the weekend.  Terry Wogan is a natural performer, a one-off. He crossed

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Hilary Benn’s speech

Hilary Benn’s speech in favour of air strikes on Syria is, in my view, one of the best parliamentary speeches in years. Here’s my assessment of why I think it is brilliant. (Disclaimer – I’m not endorsing the view on air strikes, I am admiring the rhetoric. I coach speakers from all the main political parties, and I find it helpful to keep my views to myself, in order to

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TV show with Katie Bulmer Cooke

Jeremy appeared on a new TV show with Katie Bulmer-Cooke from the The Apprentice. It showed him trying to get fit to take the pressure off his after-dinner suit, which has seen rather too many dinners. The show aired on Sky Channel 117 in the North East in January 5th 2015.

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WHAT should the emcee/compere say when introducing you to speak at an event?

I’d like to start with a short introduction. “Our blogger today is a keynote speaker AND a compere. So he’s ideally placed to tell us what makes a good introduction at an event. With thirty years as a broadcaster he knows how to hold an audience’s attention, please welcome Jeremy Nicholas.” (Applause as your blogger enters) What do you mean you haven’t got a laminated introduction? OK we’re going to

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Are you a boring speaker?

ARE YOU WORRIED THAT YOU MIGHT BE A BORING SPEAKER? Have you ever spoken at an event and been met with stony silence? Why do other speakers get applause and laughter and sometimes standing ovations, but you don’t? It’s a dreadful question to ask, but might YOU BE BORING when you speak in public? I’ve worked as a professional speaker for twenty years, alongside my ‘proper job’ as a broadcaster.

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How to make the move into After Dinner Speaking

The formation of PADS – PSA After Dinner Speakers I’ve formed a Professional Expert Group (PEG) for After Dinner Speakers who belong to the Professional Speaking Association. This weekend, at the Hilton Hotel, Coventry I spoke at the PSA annual convention, giving a session on how to make the move into after dinner speaking and was encouraged that twenty five of the one hundred odd speakers (some of them very

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